About the organization

Because we understand that individuality is important and everyone has their own definition of success, we are committed to an individual’s authentic self-expression of oneself. OPPTICX was created with students in mind. We want students to own perspective to their Purpose, Talents, Interests and Career Exploration!


We help underserved and underrepresented students align their talents and interests with college majors and careers.

Vance Anderson, Founder / Career Coach

Vance Anderson, Founder / Career Coach


Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Vance was one of two siblings raised by his mother in a single parent household, where they grew up on the government welfare program. As a graduate from Temple University, Vance knows how fortunate he is to be where he is today, and is dedicated to helping youth find their pathways early in life and equipping them with the necessary tools to be successful.

Since 1995, Vance has worked in the field of human resources. In April of 2002, he joined “Qualcomm”, and Vance was a key partner in the creation of Qualcomm’s Workforce Development Labs. 

Qualcomm’s Workforce Development Lab program partnered with various organizations offering experiential learning through workforce exploration and training in the areas of Resume Writing, Interview Preparation, Job Search / Networking, Professional Communication, Career Exploration and Mindfulness to youth from under-served areas throughout San Diego County.

After seeing the success of this program over the past years, the impact it’s had on the students, and the impact it's had on him personally, he knew that providing guidance to students would always be a big part of his future.


I know you’re in high school, feeling invincible with little to worry about in your world! Yet, as you get older, and a little wiser, you’ll realize that you are not invincible and life’s really short! So, ask yourself now, where do I fit into this world and what’s my purpose? Don’t be prideful; yet be authentically expressive and humble! Establish your values early, and people will remember the moral compass by which you’ve lived your life.

 Author: Vance Anderson

Vance Anderson, former Qualcomm Staffing Manager discussing Qualcomm's participation in the Hire-A-Youth Program.